Fons Sweegers


Fons Sweegers

Consultant High Impact & Brand Innovation at Philips Industry Consulting
Demographic info
Eindhoven Area, Netherlands | Management Consulting


Fons Sweegers' Skills & Expertise

Innovation Management
Management Consulting
Business Planning
Product Development
Idea Generation
Guest Lecturing

參與 水越設計 臺北清潔隊員裝備提升設計計劃 顧問 
Taipei Street Cleaner's Equipment Renovation Project Consultant

Herewith my feedback on the cart.

++ Interesting details
++ Easy foldable and use
++ Simple and easy to produce.


My take away is to focus on benefits for all stakeholders in order to create more enthusiasm and buy-in, including the street cleaners.

When you build a compelling story around the upside / wins for every one it will persuade your customer to put effort in generating more budget.

What are the benefits? For whom?

1 Productivity
Cleaners: Can do more in less time
Gov: Cheaper to clean the city
Citizens: Enjoy their city more
Easy to use/ better human factors
- Cleaners: Less hard work, better physical condition
- Gov: Less sick people due to hard work, lower health insurances
- Citizens: ?
Fun and image
- Cleaners: Proud to be a city cleaner, recognition for being one
- Gov: Proud being a representative of Taipei, proud on this achievement, recognition among peers and other municipalities
- Citizens: Taipei will be more fun and colourful to live in
Lower risks
- Cleaners: Less injuries and accidents, or health risks
- Gov: Less insurance costs
- Citizens: ?
Ecologically friendly
- Cleaners: They are living up the sustainable dream, by doing their jobs bare handed. 
- Gov: Feeding green and sustainable thinking, they can create a convincing showcase about sustainability, which could generate media interest world wide (only when doing it profoundly and thoroughly thought through)




taipei government mark

climat japanese street color

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