Carlotta Brunetti的地景美學

卡蘿塔‧布尼堤 Carlotta Brunetti. | 義大利| 身為藝術家,卡蘿塔‧布尼堤始終希望創作連結室外與室內的藝術作品。她的作品常利用自然環境中可找到的資源來進行創作,展現出自然與人文間的互動關係。2010.10進駐寶藏巖國際藝術村,將為寶藏巖帶來新綠風光。

Carlotta Brunetti

For the Floating Land project in Noosa, Queensland. I proposed to give salt back to the ocean. Salt is one of our most important minerals for surviving and regulating our blood and the osmoses of our water balance. As all life emerged from the sea and our blood has the same percentage of salt as the ocean water, it is the last heritage of our origin.

When I select a space to work, whether it be  in nature or an urban landscape, I try to find some immediate relation to its next biggest border. For example, this could be a building, a tree, water or something else. Around this border I create my own space. If there is not such a relation point I immediately try to create my own space and create a relationship with the spiritual, historical and/or geological views. My whole interest is to create my own very personal space but this space is always in connection to one of the above conditions.

At first I try to inform myself about the specific situation of people, the habitat and the wider landscape. Each landscape can tell us about the very special and sensible condition of the place. Next I choose my materials which varies according to my current artist statement.  Material’s are important because they can capture one’s innermost thoughts. Finally, I put my eyes in my finger caps and being working on the piece.

city yeast, 都市酵母, 義大利藝術家Carlotta Brunetti, 地景藝術

city yeast, 都市酵母, 義大利藝術家Carlotta Brunetti, 地景藝術

city yeast, 都市酵母, 義大利藝術家Carlotta Brunetti, 地景藝術

city yeast, 都市酵母, 義大利藝術家Carlotta Brunetti, 地景藝術

city yeast, 都市酵母, 義大利藝術家Carlotta Brunetti, 地景藝術




taipei government mark

climat japanese street color

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