

John Hardy: My green school dream

link 資料提供:余彥錡


我成長於加拿大一處小村莊,而且還有隱性誦讀障礙,就學期間遇到很多困難,事實上,我媽最後跟我說,我曾是村裡一個總是整路哭著上學的小孩,我 終於離開,我在 25 歲時離家前往印尼峇里島,在那裡,我遇見的美嬌娘 Cynthia,我們已牽手超過 20 年,而且還打造了一個神奇的珠寶事業,就像童話一般,然後我們宣佈退休,她領我去看一部電影,我真不願看的一部,它毀了我的人生(笑聲),《不願面對的真 相》和高爾先生;我們育有四個小孩,就算他說的話有其道理,但那不盡然是我的人生,我當機立斷,要用餘生做任何能改善其可能性的事,圖示是地球,我們來到 峇里島,非常小的一座島嶼,60 哩 X 90 哩,當地仍信奉印度文化,Cynthia 和我住在那,我們在那的生活美極了,然後,我們決定做些不一樣的事,我們決定回饋當地,如圖所示,我們稱之為「綠校」,我知道它看起來不像學校,但那正是 我們決定做的事,它極度、極度的綠,教室沒有牆,老師用竹子黑板寫教,書桌也不是方型的,在「綠校」,孩童微笑,那在一般學校不常見,特別是對我而言,我 們實行全面綠化教育,我的想法是,如果這個小女孩能以全面綠化的姿態畢業,就很有可能要求全世界,全世界,也以相同模式成長。
我們的小孩每年花 181 天在箱型校園上學,建築這所學校的人也建監獄與瘋人院,所用材料一致,所以,如果這位紳士接受過全面綠化教育,他會是坐在那裡嗎?他人生的可能性會更大 嗎?我們的教室有自然光,很漂亮,建材是竹子,微風穿過竹間,如果自然風不夠,小孩子們便開始展開圓罩,不是氣泡(譯注:原文同為Bubble),這些圓 罩的材料是天然棉,還有來自橡膠樹的橡膠,我們基本上是將箱型學園轉變為圓罩學園,這些小孩子明瞭,這種不費力氣的氣候控制已不太可能是他們的未來選項, 我們終將付出代價,但真的付出代價的人卻是我們的子孫,我們必需讓孩子們明白,這個世界並非堅不可摧,這些小孩子在書桌上亂塗鴉,所以必需要加上兩門課, 第一門名為磨光,第二門是重新上蠟,正因如此,他們便要照料他們自己的書桌,他們明白自己的世界自己掌控,我們仍用電,那並不光榮,但在巴黎有間神奇的替 代能源公司幫我們以太陽能做為替代電力,這個玩意兒是目前全球所建的第二座渦力發電機,建在河上 2.5 公尺的地方,當渦輪開始運轉便能產出 8,000 瓦的電力,日夜如此,各位都知道這是啥?無處可「洩」,我們通常將排洩物混以大量的水,各位都很聰明,自己核算一下,多少人乘以多少水,水永遠不夠,這些 是堆肥廁所,學校裡沒人想加以瞭解,尤其是校長,但成效不差,人們習常如廁,沒問題,或許那是各位該考慮跟進的作為,沒有很多東西成效不佳,但漂亮的帆布 與橡膠天窗六個月後就會遭太陽侵蝕,我們必需以可回收的塑膠取而代之,老師們拖出大型 PVC 白板置於教室中,我們有些好點子,我們取用廢棄的汽車擋風板,在其後貼上紙張,創造出史上第一塊替代性的白板,「綠校」座落峇里島中南部,擁有佔地 20 英畝的綿延園圃,其中有條神奇的小溪蜿流而過,各位可看到,我們如何過河,有天,我接待一位父親,他看起來有些狂熱,我說,「歡迎到訪『綠校』」,他說, 「我坐了 24 小時的飛機」,我問,「為何」?他說,「我曾夢想『綠校』,然後我看到這間『綠校』的照片,我就上了飛機,八月時,我將帶兒子們到這裡來」,那很好,但更 好的是,人們開始在「綠校」周圍建綠屋,讓他們的小孩能走路上學,人們帶入綠產業,希望還有綠餐廳,讓「綠校」更鮮綠,我們成了一個社群,發展成一種綠色 模式,我們要斟酌所有的事,小徑上不能有石化材料,不鋪那些,而要用火山石親手鋪上,沒有人行道,人行道為砂礫所鋪,下雨成災,但它是天然的。
這是綠校水牛,牠正打算吃籬笆當晚餐,「綠校」的所有籬笆都是綠化植物,最近幼稚園的小童移動了他們的小門,發現籬笆是以樹薯結成,他們捧著樹 薯根到廚房,將其切成細條,做成可口的薯條,造景,我們的盡量保留原有園圃景觀,景觀一路延伸到每間教室的邊緣,和緩地切入,我們給這些傢伙預留空間,牠 們是峇里島最後的黑豬,還有綠校母牛試圖找出替代除草機的方法,就在這片操場,這些小淑女們生活在稻米的文化中,但她們知道一些稻米文化中少有人知的東 西,她們知道如何栽種有機稻米,如何加以照料,如何採收,也知道如何加以烹煮,她們已融入稻米的生命週期中,而這些技能對她們的未來很寶貴,這位小壯士正 採收有機蔬菜,我們每天要準備 400 人份的午餐,那可不是一般的午餐,因為沒有瓦斯,當地的峇里島婦人仍用鋸木屑升火煮食,那是祖傳的祕法,食物美味極了,「綠校」是先鋒所在,無論是從在地 或全球的角度看來,有點像是個濃縮版的全球化世界,學童來自 25 個不同的國家,看著他們聚在一起,我明白他們正在找出未來的生存之道,「綠校」正邁入第三個年頭,招收了 160 名學童,在這裡,他們學習閱讀,我的喜好之一,寫作,這項我不擅長,算術,但還學習其他的技能,像是建竹屋,練習峇里島傳統藝術,這是在稻田中的爛泥戰, 小孩們很喜歡,但媽媽們可不愛(笑聲)。
我們已在生命中幹了很多標新立異的事,但在地化,其涵義為啥?在地化意謂著,綠校有 20%的學生必需是峇里島當地人,這真是很大的承諾,但我們做對了,人們傾囊自世界各方支持「峇里島獎學基金」,因為這些小孩會是峇里島下一代的綠化領導 者,教師的多元性也與學生相當,神奇的是,也有志工加入,一位來自爪哇的男人引進新型有機農業,來自非洲的女士帶來音樂,志工與教師全體都堅定的承諾要創 造新一代全球綠化領袖,「綠校」效應,我們不知那是啥,我們需要有人來加以研究,但正在發酵的是,學習能力不同的孩童,有閱讀障礙的學童,我們重新為其命 名為閱讀無礙,他們在這些美美的教室中學習的很好,所有的孩童都在茁壯成長,我們如何辦到的?靠大綠桿,竹子是也,竹子從地上冒出來時像火車,兩個月就能 長到像椰子樹那麼高,三年後即能採收,用以建造這類的屋宅,其硬度與密度可比柚木,能撐起任何種類的屋頂,當建築師上門,他們呈現這個東西,各位也許都看 過這款設計,中間黃色的方塊稱為行政中心(笑聲),我們拒絕該提案,重新思考,更重要的是我們加以重新命名,「校心」,那永遠地改變了所有事,那是個雙螺 旋建築物,行政部門在此,還有很多其他的部門,但打造時的問題是,當峇里島工人看到疊高的設計稿,他們看著它說,「這是什麼」?於是我們為他們建了很多大 模型,由工程師親手建模,峇里島木匠像圖示那樣以竹尺加以測量,選擇竹材並建造校心,使用的是古老的技能,大多以人工進行,一開始很混亂,峇里島木匠也想 像我們一樣的現代化,所以他們用了金屬製的鷹架,來打造竹子建築,當鷹架拆卸之後,我們發現已造出一座大教堂,一座綠色大教堂,一座綠教育的大教堂,校心 由總長達七公里的竹子建成,從地基打好開始,三個月後,屋頂與樓層俱備,這或許並非是全世界最大的竹建築,但很多人相信這幢最漂亮。
這能在各位的社群中進行嗎?我們相信可以,「綠校」是我們為世界打造的模型,也是我們為峇里島打造的模型,只要遵守這些簡單規則,融入當地,以 環境為優先,並思考兒孩輩可能會如何建造,高爾先生,謝謝您,你毀了我的人生,但卻給了我一個無敵的未來,如果各位有興趣加入「綠校」行動,並在全世界再 建另 50 間,歡迎前來詳談,感謝聆聽。


About this talk

Join John Hardy on a tour of the Green School, his off-the-grid school in Bali that teaches kids how to build, garden, create (and get into college). The centerpiece of campus is the spiraling Heart of School, perhaps the world's largest freestanding bamboo building.

About John Hardy

Jewelry designer John Hardy co-founded the extraordinary Green School in Bali, where kids get a holistic and green education. Full bio and more links


I grew up in a very small village in Canada, and I'm an undiagnosed dyslexic. I had a really hard time in school. In fact, my mother told me eventually that I was the little kid in the village who cried all the way to school. I ran away. I left when I was 25 years old to go to Bali. And there I met my incredible wife, Cynthia, and together over 20 years, we built an amazing jewelry business. It was a fairy tale, and then we retired. Then she took me to see a film that I really didn't want to see. It ruined my life -- (Laughter) "An Inconvenient Truth" and Mr. Gore. I have four kids, and even if part of what he says is true, they're not going to have the life that I had. And I decided at that moment that I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever I could to improve their possibilities. So here's the world, and here we are in Bali. It's a tiny, little island -- 60 miles by 90 miles. It has an intact Hindu culture. Cynthia and I were there. We had had a wonderful life there, and we decided to do something unusual. We decided to give back locally.

And here it is; it's called the Green School. I know it doesn't look like a school, but it is something we decided to do, and it is extremely, extremely green. The classrooms have no walls. The teacher is writing on a bamboo blackboard. The desks are not square. At Green School, the children are smiling -- an unusual thing for school, especially for me. And we practice holism. And for me it's just the idea that, if this little girl graduates as a whole person, chances are she'll demand a whole world -- a whole world -- to live on. Our children spend 181 days going to school in a box. The people that built my school also built the prison and the insane asylum out of the same materials. So if this gentleman had have had a holistic education, would he be sitting there? Would he have had more possibilities in his life?

The classrooms have natural light. They're beautiful. They're bamboo. The breeze passes through them. And when the natural breeze isn't enough, the kids deploy bubbles, but not the kind of bubbles you know. These bubbles are made from natural cotton and rubber from the rubber tree. So we basically turned the box into a bubble. And these kids know that painless climate control may not be part of their future. We pay the bill at the end of the month, but the people that are really going to pay the bill are our grandchildren. We have to teach the kids that the world is not indestructible. These kids did a little graffiti on their desks, and then they signed up for two extra courses. The first one was called sanding, and the second one was called re-waxing. But since that happened, they own those desks. They know they can control their world.

We're on the grid; we're not proud of it. but an amazing alternative energy company in Paris is taking us off the grid with solar. And this thing is the second vortex to be built in the world, in a two and a half meter drop on a river. When the turbine drops in, it will produce 8,000 watts of electricity, day and night. And you know what these are. There's nowhere to flush. And as long as we're taking our waste and mixing it with a huge amount of water -- you're all really smart, just do the math. How many people times how much water. There isn't enough water. These are compost toilets. And nobody at the school wanted to know about them, especially the principal. And they work; people use them. People are okay. It's something you should think about doing. Not many things didn't work. The beautiful canvas and rubber skylights got eaten by the sun in six months. We had to replace them with recyclable plastic. The teachers dragged giant PVC whiteboards into the classrooms, so we had some good ideas. We took old automobile windshields, put paper behind them and created the first alternative to the whiteboard.

Green School sits in south-central Bali, and it's on 20 acres of rolling garden. There's an amazing river traveling through it, and you can see there how we manage to get across the river. I met a father the other day, he looked a little crazed. I said, "Welcome to Green School." He said, "I've been on an airplane for 24 hours." I asked him, "Why?" He said, "I had a dream once about a green school, and I saw a picture of this green school, I got on an airplane. In August I'm bringing my sons." This was a great thing. But more than that, people are building green houses around Green School, so their kids can walk to school on the paths. And people are bringing their green industries, hopefully their green restaurants, to the Green School. It's becoming a community. It's becoming a green model. We had to look at everything. No petrochemicals in the pavement. No pavement. These are volcanic stones laid by hand. There are no sidewalks. The sidewalks are gravel, they flood when it rains, but they're green.

This is the school buffalo. He's planning to eat that fence for dinner. All the fences at Green School are green. And when the kindergarten kids recently moved their gate, they found out the fence was made out of tapioca. They took the tapioca roots up to the kitchen, sliced them thinly and made delicious chips. Landscaping. We manage to keep the garden that was there running right up to the edge of each of the classrooms. We dropped them gently in. We made space for these guys who are Bali's last black pigs. And the school cow is trying to figure out how to replace the lawnmower on the playing field.

These young ladies are living in a rice culture, but they know something that few people know in a rice culture. They know how to plant organic rice, they know how to look after it, they know how to harvest and they know how to cook it. They're part of the rice cycle. and these skills will be valuable for them in their future. This young man is picking organic vegetables. We feed 400 people lunch every day. And it's not a normal lunch; there's no gas. Local Balinese women cook the food on sawdust burners using secrets that only their grandmothers know. The food is incredible.

Green School is a place of pioneers, local and global. And it's a kind of microcosm of the globalized world. The kids are from 25 countries. When I see them together, I know that they're working out how to live in the future. Green School is going into its third year with 160 children. It's a school where you do learn reading -- one of my favorites -- writing -- I was bad at it -- arithmetic. But you also learn other things. You learn bamboo building. You practice ancient Balinese arts. This is called mud wrestling in the rice fields. The kids love it. The mothers aren't quite convinced.


We've done a lot of outrageous things in our lives, and we said, okay, local. What does local mean? Local means that 20 percent of the population of the school has to be Balinese. And this was a really big commitment. And we were right. And people are coming forward from all over the world to support the Balinese Scholarship Fund, because these kids will be Bali's next green leaders. The teachers are as diverse as the student body. And the amazing thing is that volunteers are popping up. A man came from Java with a new kind of organic agriculture. A woman came from Africa with music. And together these volunteers and the teachers are deeply committed to creating a new generation of global, green leaders. The Green School effect -- we don't know what it is. We need someone to come and study it. But what's happening, our learning-different kids -- dyslexic -- we've renamed them prolexic -- are doing well in these beautiful, beautiful classrooms. And all the kids are thriving.

And how did we do all this? On giant grass. It's bamboo. It comes out of the ground like a train. It grows as high as a coconut tree in two months. And three years later it can be harvested to build buildings like this. It's as strong and dense as teak. And it will hold up any roof. When the architects came, they brought us these things, and you've probably seen things like this. The yellow box was called the administration complex. (Laughter) We squashed it, we rethought it, but mainly we renamed it -- the heart of school. And that changed everything forever. It's a double helix. It has administrators in it and many, many other things.

And the problem of building it -- when the Balinese workers saw long reams of plans, they looked at them and said, "What's this?" So we built big models. We had them engineered by the engineers. And Balinese carpenters like this measured them with their bamboo rulers, selected the bamboo and built the buildings using age-old techniques, mostly by hand. It was chaos. And the Balinese carpenters want to be as modern as we do, so they use metal scaffolding to build the bamboo building. And when the scaffolding came down, we realized that we had a cathedral, a cathedral to green, and a cathedral green education. The heart of school has seven kilometers of bamboo in it. From the time the foundations were finished, in three months it had roofs and floors. It may not be the biggest bamboo building in the world, but many people believe that it's the most beautiful.

Is this doable in your community? We believe it is. Green School is a model we built for the world. It's a model we built for Bali. And you just have to follow these simple, simple rules: be local, let the environment lead and think about how your grandchildren might build.

So, Mr. Gore, thank you. You ruined my life, but you gave me an incredible future. And if you're interested in being involved in finishing Green School and building the next 50 around the world, please come and see us.

Thank you.






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