都市色彩探索 - 組個色彩探索隊

Let’s collect colors with our friends. Throw the dice and Destiny will tell you which colors your pupils will be. Use the new pupils to observe the city through the random colors.

step 1. 列印色彩骰子與探索隊長徽章

Print out the color dice and the badge of “ The Captain of Color Explorers.

step 2. 與朋友組成色彩探索隊,每人最多可選2色
Find your teammates, and each of you chooses at most 2 colors.

step 3. 出門上街進行色彩大搜尋,發現自己所選的特定色彩物件即拍照
Let’s move and take pictures when you find the objects which belong to your colors.

step 4. 時限內蒐集到最多張者,獲得最佳都市色彩探索隊長徽章
Within the time limit, the honor of “Captain of Color Explorers” goes to the one who finds out the most.

step 5. 將得到探索者勳章隊長拍照,上傳照片到「FB臺北都市色彩」,命名為「都市色彩探索隊長相簿_ 苣苣」(自己的稱號)
The Captain of Color Explorers will take his/her own picture, upload the photos to Taipei City Color Facebook and name the album as “Color Explorers_ Your Name”.

ex.都市色彩最棒探索隊長_ 苣苣



都市色彩專業規劃案 - 環境色彩改造計畫專業流程

都市色彩專業規劃案 - 環境色彩改造民眾參與計畫

都市色彩探索 - 色環360度

都市色彩探索 - 都市材質色票本

都市色彩探索 - 都市呼吸色彩

都市色彩探索 - 組個色彩探索隊

都市色彩探索 - 光的色彩

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