都市色彩專業規劃案 - 環境色彩改造民眾參與計畫
It is important to get citizens involved the project. Everyone can make a slight change of the environment. The color planning combines the context of cultural color, and we will offer an efficient plan to manage multiple elements of the color of a whole city view. Later on, it will be a system of environment color planning which is suitable for the style of the city and its own development in future, and it is also easily applied by citizens and officers to realize our vision of a designed city.

step 1. 
Make a plan: according to races, time, space, contexts and methods.

step 2. 
整理問題 / 與專業人士一起從資料中發現現存環境問題,進而縮小範圍鎖定目標地區,並確定調查項目
深入調查 / 確定調查項目後,專業色彩規劃人士將進行目標地區之深入調查,方法如深入走訪現場、測色、 問卷調查

Citizens’ mission: Get an overview of the topic.
Collect the information of cultural and environmental resource from a designated place, the methods are to review literature and survey the place.
Find the right problem/ Ask the right question, focus on the designated area and list the specific research topics.

Find the sources of the focused topic/ After determining the focused topic, professional experts can investigate the place, examine colors of street furniture or operate a survey.

step 3. 
分析探討 (環境/ 建築)
根據上個步驟所蒐集到的結果,設計師 / 專業環境色彩人事從目標地區的空間、時間和社會層面進行特徵分析,並從文化背景資料,分析環境與建築用色,探討未來發展趨勢

Analyze the research. (Environment/ Architecture)
According to the research result, the professional designers and experts analyze the features of the target place from space, time and culture areas; besides, they analyze environmental and architectural color using from cultural context, and discuss the possibility of future color of city.

step 4. 
a. 設計師 / 專業環境色彩人事以目標地區的整體環境、地域、機能性為出發點,並考量其識別度和發展性,確認色彩計畫

Confirm the plan.
a. The professional designers and experts make a recognizable color planning which aims at the whole environment, region and community function.
b. Finish the schematic project on the computer.

step 5. 
Decide color system
Decide color system basing on the schematic project.

step 6.
Operate the plan.
Apply the plan to making a makeover with citizens’ participation.

step 7.
a. 邀請色彩專家評估檢討,確認計畫改造效果
b. 藉由宣傳、教育推廣活動,提昇在地居民與社會大眾對色彩改造計畫之認同

Estimate the project and share experience.
a. Invite the professional color designers and experts to estimate the color planning and the effect of the project.
b. Elevate local citizens’ identity of color planning by promoting the project and sharing the activity in education.

step 8.

Keep observing.
Keep observing and recording and make this experience and information as a document sharing with others.


都市色彩專業規劃案 - 環境色彩改造計畫專業流程

都市色彩專業規劃案 - 環境色彩改造民眾參與計畫

都市色彩探索 - 色環360度

都市色彩探索 - 都市材質色票本

都市色彩探索 - 都市呼吸色彩

都市色彩探索 - 組個色彩探索隊

都市色彩探索 - 光的色彩

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