蕭永明 Nagaaki Shaw
打滾亞洲設計市場泥濘多年,轉而旅居英倫成立影像工作室與繩子街民宿。現為設計、生活寫真家, 最愛以文字與影像為碎嘴出口,為創意文化作一手裁切。目前替國內外雜誌專欄撰稿與攝影。曾協助“亂,有秩序” 聯展、都市酵母計畫展出,並獲選2010國際攝影部落格大賞競賽資格及許多國際視覺平面、產品設計競賽優選、邀展
Nagaaki dredged about in the Asian design scene for many years before moving to London, England, setting up studio as well as a bed and breakfast slash hostel called Rope Street Cottage B & B. His portrait perfect designer’s life currently attributes its success to having a love for the written word and photographic images, however, culture creativity can be considered the primary aspect of his essence. He currently provides photographs and writes columns for magazines both at home and abroad. He has been an assistant at the "Beautiful Chaos" Exhibition at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, helped plan Taiwan Designers Week’s “City Yeast” project displays, and was selected in the 2010 International Photography Awards Competition blog qualification section, not to mention participating in a multitude of international graphic design and product design competitions.
黃色椅子計畫3 - 六張椅子.六首詩
寶兔兔找太陽 - 台北元宵燈節
都市酵母 x aveda 水資源地景裝置
