Hundred stories of Taiwan
南 美瑜 導覽】
就像「100」這個數字不是孤伶伶的符號而已,在「百物語」裡,所有你覺得好看的、好笑的或是醜醜的,都是好多個 1 拼成的,1點兒紅色、1點兒綠色、1點兒黃色、1點兒垃圾、1點兒不干我的事、1點兒1點兒「只要快1點兒就好」⋯汪德範把每個 1點兒放大了,成了故事的主角。
agua 導覽】
關於攝影師 汪德範】
身材壯碩的攝影師汪德範隨身攜帶各式攝影器材,忽一轉身就拍下街頭發生的小插曲,行進間對話時,不知不覺中已經有了許多精彩的照片。2007年開始因參與 都市酵母活動成為都市酵母專業一員,記錄鮮明的活動與展覽畫面、台灣陽台全記錄、台灣黃色物件選等。
展覽論述 - 汪德範
物語在日語中有故事之意,而中文亦可試詮釋為事物本身在說話。世間萬物皆語, 端看用何種方式去呈現,身為攝影工作者,我試著用相機捕捉台灣日常生活中較不被注意到的小事物,也許是曇花一現,也許是每天看見卻沒意識到的畫面,但這些 畫面都是組成我們台灣生活的一部分。
有意識的看見只是一個起頭,在人手一台相機的現代社會,其實每個人都可以善用 相機去關注周遭的人事物,發現更多溫暖有趣的小故事,讓世界透過我們所累積的豐富影像資源,看見更深度的台灣。事物的表像形態背後隱含著人們的各種心態與動機,亦包含著歷史與文化演進。台灣相較於世界各大國,是一個歷史很短的國家,也正因如此,我們更應該透過攝影的各種功能性去發掘拼湊出台灣的真實面貌。
都市酵母五年來致力於結合台灣各專業領域的酵母人,共同透過一系列如陽台計畫、黃色椅子計畫各種形式的設計發想構思,期望凝聚住在這片土地的眾人之熱情與力量,讓每位民眾能夠在過程中進行天馬行空的發想及實際參與執行,可以真正 開始有所改變,期待這不斷的發酵過程能夠影響更多人,讓改變不只是口號,而是實際的行為發生。本次的攝影展同樣希望透過攝影的觀看方式,每個在這片土地的 民眾或來到這片土地的遊客,能夠更深入的思考,台灣從何而來,及未來將往何處去。
攝影師 汪德範
攝 影書籍包括《都市酵母 - 陽台計畫》、《都市酵母.愛台灣》,作品曾刊登於天下雜誌、明報週刊、高鐵商務艙T-PLUS雜誌、聯合報等各大報章雜誌。
陽台計畫相關連結“the Balcony Project”
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Introduction by Mei-Yu Nan
Do you how to form the number 100?
Yes, you are right! Summing up a lot of ONE is HUNDRED, or counting from 1 to 100.
Here is a country which is going to celebrate its 100-year-old birthday, while here is a photographer, Te-Fan Wang, telling the hundred stories of Taiwan on its 99th year. Most of the stories are about the moments when the country is turning into a “richer”, “modern”, and “progressing” place (and it not long long time ago).
The number 100 is a not a symbol on its own, but a symbol of all kinds of combination. Just like the photos in this exhibition, they are all a part of bigger scenes, such as a colorful spot, a bit of this and that…Te-Fan Wang enlarges this BIT and that BIT and makes them BIG roles in the stories told by his camera.
Introduction by agua chou
Designers, creators, and everyone else is welcome to this photo exhibition, which echoes to the friendly atmosphere of City Yeast Living Room. Both are highly recommended to everyone living in Taiwan!
About the photographer Te-Fan Wang / Wonderful
Te-Fan Wang, a strong photographer with all kinds of equipments with him all the time, always turns fantastic moments into great photos in the process of conversation, wondering, and observation. He started to participate in City Yeast Project in 2007. Since then, he has recorded a lot of wonderful events and has held amazing exhibitions including ‘Recording the Balconies in Taiwan’, ‘Selecting the Yellow Objects in Taiwan’, etc.
Discourse for the exhibition by Te-Fan Wang / Wonderful
‘Object-Language’ (物語, monogatari) in Japanese means ‘Story’. It could also mean ‘the objects are telling stories’ in Chinese. Every object is telling stories in its own way. I, as a photographer, try to capture, translate, and present the transient / unnoticed / fragmental scenes in Taiwanese daily life as the stories from the objects with my camera.
Present the objects and stories is deeply driven by all kinds of human attitude and motivation; while it is also influenced by the very history and culture. Taiwanese history is relatively shorter if we compare to other countries in the world. Hence, it is the very reason why we should aim to pay closer attention to the real Taiwan and present it with the help of photography.
City Yeast has worked on co-operating with the Yeasters (facilitators) in different professions for five years. City Yeast has developed and participated in the projects, such as ‘’The Balconies in Taiwan” and “Yellow Chairs”, in order to invite everyone living in Taiwan to contribute his or her passion, effort and creativity to make Taiwan a better and more active place. City Yeast and the photographer both deeply looks forwards to profound changes in the process of people’s participation: People living and traveling in Taiwan will begin to think about the past, the present and the future of Taiwan; furthermore, people will start to take action to make changes.
Introduction of the Photographer
Te-Fan Wang / Wonderful is a pupil of Ming-ming Chen, an expert in aerial photography. He currently teaches in the Department of Tourism Industry, Chinese Culture University, and also an exclusive photographer of Xue Xue Institute and City Yeast.
Publication of the photographer: City Yeast—The Balcony Project; City Yeast – Loving Taiwan. His work is also published in Common Wealth Magazine, Ming Pao Weekly, T-PLUS Magazine (at THSR Business Class), United Daily News, and other newspaper.